The ‘Animal Instincts’ Art Exhibit in Canton, Ohio featuring some of my art was written up here by a local art critic. 4 talented, local artists participated and gave a nice range of work from colorful, whimsical more graphic art by Bztat to detailed pencil drawings by Kelli Swan to breathtaking photography by Stephan McNulty. My art was described as having gestural, expressive brushstrokes. I am always interested in how others see my art. I entered several pieces that were painted in an alla prima style in which the paint is applied in quick brushstrokes, ‘wet onto wet’. What is fun about this style is the mixing of the colors on the canvas with thicker paint and visible brushstrokes and how the image evolves almost spontaneously.

Southwest Style Art, Bull in Oils
On a personal note I have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather by spending some time riding my horses. The last couple years, as my art has picked up and I’ve been busy building my pet portrait and art studio business I have not had the time to ride. I have always known that one passion (art) feeds the other passion (horses) and visa versa so I decided I was not going to let my riding time slip by. I believe ultimately that my time spent outside, with my horses and dogs help me to be a better animal artist. And I also know that the weather we’ve been enjoying will not last. Anyways I have had lots of fun doing some bareback riding on my arab mare and getting my arab gelding accustomed to being ridden out of the ring. He was a former show horse at his previous home and was getting pretty ring sour. Its been fun showing him a new world and new experiences. He is responding well and so it is fun to see the changes in him.
thanks for stopping by!
equine and animal artist
pet portraits in oil