Hitting the Trails!

I am a happy horseback rider! I wrote a bit ago about my horse’s struggle with lameness here:
I am thrilled to write he has been sound and happy for a little while now and we are really hitting a happy place with our riding. He’s happy- I am happy!! And the weather is cooperating. The super humid weather is gone, it has been slightly cooler, less buggy and very nice to ride. We even got rain and our pastures are starting to green up again! I am not digging into my winter hay at a fast clip any longer!

Yellow brown grass no more!

Happy & Sound makes me happy!!

I have also been having a great time completing custom stall sign orders, horse and pet portrait commissions and trying out new artsy things like these horse wire sculptures and horse charms and pendants. I even played around with broken glass mosaics. You can see more at my etsy shop. If you’d like info on pet portraits please check out my website at http://www.paintingpetsonline.com

Happy Trails!
Sue Steiner
