I came upon this friendly cow one day on a walk. Have I mentioned how much I love old bank barns? This is one of my favorites.
Right now I am kind of obsessed with the coloring in the weeds, brush, trees and farm fields as I wander around Kidron, Ohio because I am working on a fiber art collage. Using the colors and textures in the fiber inspired by the colors in nature is delicious! I’ll post more when I get further along. The fiber is so fun to work with. I am not a knitter but using the fiber in this way is heavenly! I got my fiber at Longhedges Fiber Studio. Go to http://www.kidronarts.blogspot.com/ to read about the programs they offer. It is a really cool place! You’ll be inspired too!
To see more of my photos and artwork go to http://www.suesteiner.com/.
Thanks for stopping by!