I’ve been posting recent paintings of chicks…. the poultry variety. Today I have a painting of a woman and not a chick! 🙂 I started this a couple weeks ago and then had to put it aside to work on some commissions. I am still evening out skin tone and shading which is a challenge for me since I do way more animals than people but I love people portraits too. Hope to do more figure and portrait work if for nothing else just because I like it! So this is definitely a work in progress. I’ve not gotten to the hands yet…. I was afraid if the face wasn’t going to work there was not sense in doing the hands but I don’t want the face to work but not the hands either!! Another challenge! I guess time will tell if it will come together.
I am wanting to keep the brush stroke expressive in this. I actually love the brush strokes where the hair meet the background even though it has almost an unfinished feel to it. I am probably going to leave it like that — my ultimate goal- whether I reach it with this or not, is to have bolder, more impressionistic brushstrokes further away from the focal point (which on portraits is the eyes/face) and get a little more refined in those areas but trying very hard to not overwork this. We’ll see if I can pull it off.
Thanks for stopping by!
portraits, people and animal