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Gone Ridin’

All of these photos are begging to be paintings! 

We have had perfect riding weather the last couple days!  I have had the horses out to ride now several times and everyone is getting over their spring heebie geebies.  This is what does a horse person’s heart good!  Horses are looking good as they shed out, the pasture is greening up, the riding ring and trotting track is drying up and the flies haven’t found us yet!  All those hours of trudging thru ice, snow, mud and slop to take care of the horses is wiped clean when you get to enjoy days like today.

We are still getting to know our newest rescue Rhythm.  She has improved each time we’ve ridden her but yesterday was a step back so we are going slow.  I don’t know her history and because of that I am not wanting any rodeo riding!  No pushing or taking big steps.  I assume the worst but am hopeful and open to what she needs.  I see a kind heart and quiet temperament which training can’t give so I am very pleased with her.  Plus I think she’s beautiful!  As an equine artist that is reason enough to just hang out with her! 

She still needs to fill out and her topline is so very thin…. I don’t want to ask too much until she builds those muscles up.  All in good time, right? 

Here’s some pictures to enjoy! 

Happy Trails! Sue Steiner horse and pet portraits

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