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More Pieces to the Bud Clydesdale Puzzle!

Sometimes I don’t even know what my paintings will look like! The only thing I knew about this one was I wanted it to be big and dramatic! I am enjoying letting it evolve.. so I am not real sure where it will stop! I don’t have a whole lot of time so that eliminates any fussiness which sometimes is a good thing. This needs to be completed and in my new studio for June’s First Friday on June 5th.

People have told me I am brave to post WIP pics all the time. I think it is more because I am impatient! I like starting things and I like getting people interested in new things… I am not as good at maintaining in a set direction! I do like to zig zag. Ahhh, thank goodness for art. Without art the world does not appreciate zig zagging! So I zig zag to my heart’s content!

I also am getting my studio space put together a little more. I will have some small, fun, animal related digital art stuff, original oil, watercolor and mixed media paintings and well a 7 ft. painting of the Budweiser Clydesdales! Price ranges are from a couple bucks on up. So hoping to have a range of things to offer. The big plus of this new studio is that the gallery downstairs is open 6 days a week so anything in my studio can be purchased during regular studio hours.

My goal is once I get pass this inital phase is to get it so I can do some painting there. Its fun for me to be at the studio and I think its fun for the people who come in to see an artist at work. So that is my goal! 🙂 But first must finish these big boys!

Here’s your next puzzle pieces.

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