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Open Studios at Second April

Sue Steiner working on a pet portrait

Belgians Working in the Fields

Cat Painting by Sue Steiner

We had Open Studio today at Second April Art Galerie in downtown Canton.  Several artists who have art studios on the second floor participated.  I brought my current dog potrait to work on.  Dana painted a floral pattern on the jewelry display case in the gallery.  Dana has some beautiful painted furniture for sale in the gallery.  Cindy did henna tatoos and Margie brought in some new jewelry designs.  BZTAT (Vicki Boatright) stopped in for a bit and then went to her studio to work on a new large piece that will be up for the next art show at Second April.  So all in all it was a fun, productive day.  Tomorrow the gallery and studios are open for a special Halloween trick or treat.  Pictures to follow.  🙂

Take care!

horse, dog and cat paintings

wildlife and Amish themed art

pet portraits

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