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Paradon and Horses that Heal

I painted this 24 x 36 oil painting as part of live painting demo for a fundraiser for  PBJ Connections, an equine therapy program.   I painted the underpainting the day before and then packed my car up and headed to Columbus.  I set up my easel and painted for another 2-2 1/2 hours at which time the painting was auctioned off to the highest bidder.  On the drive down I thought, ‘Whose idea was it for me to paint this live… at the fundraiser??”  The answer was mine.  I meant the director on facebook.  She had bought a painting of mine and I got to learn more about her program.  I of course love anything to do with horses but when you pair horses with kids thats all the better!  And then for the horses to HELP the kids…. that is even better yet!  So I was glad to be a part of the event.  I was glad they were happy to have me.   As I painted they ran a piece on the kids who go to this program and what they get out of it.  A mom talked about how her daughter feels more calm and more focused after time spent with the horses.   I can relate to this.  I feel this change in me also.  In fact I am pretty certain, besides the fact I like to ride and I also think horses are beautiful… I have horses because they make me feel good.  I feel calmer, more focused and more relaxed after time spent with the horses.   I thought about these kids who are learning life skills and healthy coping in an environment that enables them to be calm and focused .     This was well worth contributing to!

Take care!

Today I rode one of my rescue horses.  He came to me frightened and manhandled.  He has proven himself to be quite an affectionate, laid back horse once he realized I was not going to beat him.  He is young and green but has this sweet calm disposition.  Why someone would feel the need to beat on a horse this sweet (or any horse) I’ll never know.

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